Friday, March 29, 2013

Fabric Coil Easter Baskets

Happy Easter Weekend!  I’ve finally finished my big project for Easter…these baskets for my boys!Fabric-Coil-Easter-Baskets-by-Smile-Like-You-Mean-It

I used this tutorial by V and Co. on Moda Bake Shop as a guideline, but I didn’t follow it exactly. 


First, I wanted my baskets bigger.  When I was all finished, the bottom diameter was around 9.5 inches {about 10 coils}.  The basket was not quite 4.5 inches deep {about 8 coils tall), and the handle was almost 21.5 inches long.  I used nearly 12 yards of cording per basket.  I found the cording at Hobby Lobby in a box {near the trims} that you have the fabric station cut into the right yardage for you. There were 3 or 4 fatnesses and I got a middle sized cording.  There was a really fat size that I’d love to try , but I’m not sure it would be easy to get it to blend where the ends are on the basket.   I can’t tell you how much fabric I used.  I was using a bunch of remnants and fat quarters from my stash and didn’t really figure out how much I used in total. 



Also, in the tutorial she sewed all the coils together with a needle and thread!! Who has time for that??  I hot glued all the coils together once the fabric was all wrapped around it, then I hand-stitched the handles on for stability.

One more change from the tutorial—she folded over her strips, I left mine wide {1.5 inch about} and I think that helped the wrapping and sewing strips together parts go faster. 

I started gluing about halfway through so I could see how the patterns were working together.  The blue one {my first} basket took about 3 times as long to make than the second basket since I was learning and figuring everything out.  The second basket only took 2-3 hours and went a lot faster. 


I’m SO happy with how these turned out!  I wanted to make them ever since I found the tutorial last year.  It’s probably too late to make these this year, but pin this and make them next year for sure!    Fabric-Easter-BasketsFabric-Easter-Baskets-by-Smile-Like-You-Mean-It

Happy Easter!  Can’t wait to see what Sam does during the Egg Hunt this weekend!


  1. Very cute.. I hope to make some of these for my kids. Thanks for posting. ;)

  2. How have these held up with the hot glue method? I have been working on a hand sewn one for my daughter and it is taking so long and isn't coming out like I hoped because the threading is somewhat visible! I'm tempted to give up! Maybe hot glue is the answer, though I'm worried it won't hold up from year to year. Please let me know if yours have! Help!

    1. After a year or two I was nervous that they would start falling apart (they didn't) just because of how rough kids are with their baskets. I think I would do both if you're concerned--Hot glue it all first and then secure it with needle in thread in some spots. I've decided to use these baskets just for Easter Morning. I have other baskets the kids use for all the Egg Hunts so I can keep these looking clean and nice for many many years.

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