Monday, November 26, 2012

50 Followers on Facebook Earring Giveaway

If you've found me on Facebook, then you know that I said when I reach 50 followers for the Smile Like You Mean It facebook page I would have a jewelry giveaway!

So, as promised, here it is!

These are my FAVORITE earrings!  I especially love them in the summer, but I have a bunch of pairs that I just made and will be putting in my {old} etsy shop soon {hopefully}.

But one of you lucky readers are going to win them!

The only rule is you have to follow my page on FB to enter--since this is a reward for those who have already "liked" the SLYMI facebook page!!

Thanks for Following!

Giveaway ends on Friday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hey there! I found your blog from a printable that you made that was posted on pinterest. Great job on your blog, it is adorable.

  2. I love the printables! And the earrings. And.....

  3. I love seeing pictures of your family -- your boys are so cute! I also love the creative projects you do around your house. I have so many ideas for crafts to try after reading your blog!

  4. I like keeping up with your cute boys.

  5. Cute earrings! and love the DIYs!

  6. Fun! Everyone loves a contest (especially me)!


Hi! Thanks for stopping by!