It came. It went.
And here we are 3 days later.
Apparently he does not want to come out yet despite my working my tail off trying.
My house has never been so clean and organized!
I have to say while it feels so good to clear away a TON of clutter from pretty much every inch of my house, I wish all this work would put me into labor already!
On a better note, I've de-cluttered my craft space(s) because they are going to be featured on a really awesome website (The Organized Mom)-so you should head over there tomorrow...I'll do my best to remind you to check it out, but I will most likely be in the hospital getting induced on Friday!
Going back to tummy has become Luke's favorite spot to put toys:
funny, right?
I wish i could laugh with you but at this point i am so DONE with having a huge tummy! I am ready to meet this little boy already! I want to know if he looks more like Scott and maybe even has red hair! How cute would that be to have a little red-head?!You know what else? I'd forgotten how incredibly small newborn diapers are!
Slightly smaller than my hand!

We. are. so. ready.
Wish us luck for tomorrow! (or better yet, pray that he comes today!!)
Oh I am so happy for you! I hope for your sake he comes NOW!! I can't wait to see him!
ReplyDeleteSending contraction vibes... You're in our prayers lady!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck Katie! Hope all goes well with the delivery.