Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Organizing Everything.

It's amazing how quickly things become unorganized, cluttered and hard to live with.

Saturday I spent the day cleaning out and organizing the laundry room, the closet under the stairs, our master bedroom, our master bedroom closet AND our master bathroom. It was a lot of organizing and cleaning but it HAD to get done. I could NOT open my laundry room door and all the other rooms/closets just followed.

Now I am working little by little to organize all the other spaces that bug me. like my kitchen cupboards.
I did these 3 the other day and these 3 alone make me feel so much less stressed in my kitchen:

#1 Messiest, most used cupboard in my kitchen.

#2 Most used cupboard, not too bad, but still could use some work
Look I cleared a whole section!
#3 Messiest, least used cupboard,
This was my motivation for cleaning out my kitchen, every time this one is opened things were falling out on me!!
Ah, much better.More to come! I love organizing!

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