Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Smarty Pants.

I guess Luke decided he wanted a snack while he watched Curious George. He went into the diaper bag, pulled this container out of the side pocket and figured out how to take off the lid.
Sometimes he doesn't even take out the whole container--he just pops off the lid and reaches his hand down in and grabs some.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How to define a little boy.

I keep seeing this little "definition" of "boy" everywhere and so I decided to make my OWN version to put in Luke's room.
I used fonts in Microsoft Word and printed it out on scrapbook paper that I had cut to fit the frame I had.
Took me about an hour and a half (lots of cutting & gluing).
It looks slightly better in person too.
I couldn't get a great picture of it, but this will do.

I say it's a pretty accurate description, too.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

KLip ThAt.

I saw this idea ages ago and have wanted to make some of my own and so I finally did today. I got the clipboards at DI for 50 cents. I think they turned out pretty cute!
(the orange one is an extra long clipboard)

Update: Here's some links to places that show how to do it--basically you mod-podge scrapbook paper onto the clipboard. I did it in 1-2 inch sections working down the board so I could smooth out the bubbles along the way with a old bus pass card. There's a lot of different ways of going about this--I did what i thought was the easiest and simplest for me.
Link #1
Link #2
Link #3
Link #4

With another find at DI, I was able to turn this ugly thing

into this!

oh how i love cobalt glass

I also taught Luke a new trick this week...

what a crack-up.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sink Baby

So last week sometime Luke decided to be terrified of the bathtub. He tried to run away and go down the stairs and then screamed and screamed during his whole bath...for 3 days. I don't know what happened to make him suddenly start freaking out about the tub, but he did. So I decided to try bathing him in the sink instead. It took a lot of coaxing and bubbles to get him to not cry, but he was ok with it for a few nights. Tonight we tried the real tub again and it, again, took a lot of bubbles and coaxing and he still tried to keep his legs from going in the water, but we got him to be ok with it and he sat and played with his bath toys. I guess it was just some wierd phase and hopefully it will end soon?! He used to be so giddy and happy when I undressed him and brought the towel to him to carry him off to the tub...it's so sad to see him start to whimper when I do the same thing now :(

He did look pretty cute in the sink.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Check it Out

I've started posting here again.

Sorry for the hiatus.
This month is all about snacks.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009


Luke has been practicing every morning feeding himself yogurt with a spoon. It's a slow and messy process, but so dang cute!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


...we should reconsider canning this year...

Because they just keep coming!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Little Projects

Sometimes you just get an itch to craft. or paint. or sew.
And this is what came from all my scratchin.

I painted these and mod-podged cute paper on the front.
They go in my craft room to put scraps of ribbon and paper in
They used to be just plain boring wood. Got them at a yard sale for 5 cents (for both). yeah.

And I made a bunch of bookmarks

And I finally hung this canvas painting up on the wall--
this is obviously not a picture of it on the wall, but just of the painting :)

I painted these letters for Luke's room--just need a clear coat.

I painted a rock to match a rock a painted a long time ago.
I have a whole bag of flat rocks to paint.

I am currently making this blanket for Luke's bed--I just have to sew all the layers together

I made this ugly little brown curtain for the upstairs bath in like 10 minutes. I didn't even bother to change the thread in the machine---which was blue.

And I had painted this little ceramic bug, but Luke got into my craft room one afternoon and decided my little bug looked like a tasty treat. I hadn't noticed what he was munching on (he's always chewing on something--pens, wooden spoons, toys, etc) until it was far too late. As you can see he is missing most of his right eye. So sadly this bug must go in the trash :(
Apparently Luke is a lot taller than I think he is because this guy was on the table in there--which used to be unreachable.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Shake that booty, baby!

The Dentist

I took Luke to the Dentist!


Because he's over a year old and he already has 10 teeth (7 in front and 3 molars).

"In order to prevent dental problems, your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears, or no later than his/her first birthday." (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry)
It's important to take your kids early to the dentist to prevent cavities and make sure there aren't any problems. For example when the dentist brushed Luke's teeth his gums bled by his molars--I wasn't brushing his teeth good enough! You may think because they are just baby teeth and fall out anyway it's not that important to take care of them like permanent teeth--but baby teeth are place holders for permanent teeth and not taking care of them may cause problems or damage to the permanent teeth. Not taking care of them may also cause speech eating problems.

At the dentist we did end up just waiting a lot, but they had lots of toys there since it was a special pediatric dentist office. Luke didn't mind too much either. He fussed a bit when he opened his mouth, but overall it was quick and painless. And he got a little ducky, a new toothbrush and a few other little things.

Now just me and Scott have to go--next week. I haven't been in 4 years (oi.) and Scott (1 1/2) So we are definitely due. I wonder who will have more cavities...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Under the Big Top

My mom & dad got Luke this cute circus tent for his 1st birthday and I'm just now getting around to putting up the pictures of him playing in it. He really enjoys going in and coming out, but today I found him playing in there with some of his toys. So these are for my mom's benefit mostly, but you may enjoy them too :)

Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

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