This weekend was pretty good, despite it raining even more. Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen this many thunder and rain storms in UT for so long--a week and a half! I think we're all getting a little cabin fever! Not that it mattered too much since Luke had a slight cold and I had to keep him away from people anyway. I love the rain, but I'm ready to get back outside! How about some cloudy days minus the rain? Yes that would be perfect.
We started off Saturday morning yardsale hopping. We were excited to get a big tent (at least 4 person size) for only $20

and it's in really good condition and easy to set up/get down! And then at another yardsale, we found a lady trying to clear out her food storage since she had too much and we got 20 boxes of cereal at $.50 each! AwEsOmE. At first I was worried about where I would put it all but then I realized I had a whole empty cupboard in my kitchen and they fit nicely in there. I also got Luke some pants & shorts for $1. Last week we got a bunch of board books and a few picture frames and some other little toys for Luke and spent less than $10. I've been going to yardsales hoping to find some good furniture (a dresser, maybe a headboard for the guest room, an end table for the living room) but I haven't had too much luck yet.
Then it rained.

But then the sun came out and we took advantage of it to go to the driving range--which Scott has been dying to do for a month now. Scott hit the balls, while Luke stuffed his face with snacks and played in his stroller. And I took a million pictures :)

On the way home we saw a sign that pointed to a little bakery reading "Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cupcakes--->" That sounded really good but we decided to go home and make our own. I decided to add some color too it--turned into a robin's egg blue. Not much to look at though.
In other news, my beloved hair dryer that I've had since high school decided to end it all. I realized the wire was getting kind of hot and then it shot out a spark at me. Upon inspection I found this:
Scott said he could fix it if i wanted him too, but knowing I needed a hair dryer the next day for Sunday and it would likely take hima couple days to get the job done, I just decided to get a new one. It's probably safer anyway he said later.
So I had to break down and buy a new one. I decided on this shiney red one. Hopefully it will last a long time like my last one did.
Well that wraps it up! On to this week!
oh how i love yard sales.
ReplyDeleteglad you guys found things to do while it was so yucky outside. bleh. I'm ready for a little bit of sun.
that place that you saw that said cupcakes, is the BEST little restaurant ever. They have the best desserts, we'll have to go sometime. Flour Girls and Dough Boys.
If Lukey is feeling better you guys should come over!
I have that same shiny red dryer too!