Saturday, February 28, 2009

Love this

What a great gift idea! I really like this!

From Dogeared

I like the sterling silver one the best probably, but this one is pretty too. I never can decide between gold and silver jewelry. I like them both.

Friday, February 27, 2009

At Night The Sporks Pick On Me

"The Spork of the Gods

Every mythic hero normally has an equally mythic weapon. Zeus had his thunderbolts. Thor had his hammer, Mjolnir. King Arthur had his Excalibur. Frodo and Bilbo had their Sting. Rhydderch Hael had his Dyrnwyn. King Kong had his bananas…you get the idea. It's time for you to join the ranks of the heroes and heroines of lore as you wield your own legendary weapon in your battle against a very powerful foe: hunger.

The Titanium Spork is ready for the challenge. Titanium is known for its great strength, corrosion resistance, and light weight, which makes this spork a valuable asset around feeding time. Imagine how much more food you could shovel in at your local buffet if you didn't have to worry about the strain of picking up a heavy fork or spoon. Your food consumption can become the stuff of legends. Even just holding the Titanium Spork in your hand, you can feel its power. It is perhaps the greatest gastronomic invention since lickable wallpaper. Hunger, beware - your end is near!"

Titanium Spork Dimensions:approx. 6.25" long and 1.5" at its widest point.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


found here

This is not your fathers Swiss Army knife

"This is it - the mother of all Swiss Army tools. Every single tool ever built into a Swiss Army Knife — a total of 50 — is now cleverly engineered into this one incredibly comprehensive SwissChamp XLT. Your friends will be speechless and bowing before you when you crush their wimpy multi-tools with this beast. As a geek, you understand how important it is to have the best. And this is it."

Features of the SwissChamp XLT:

  • 50 tools in one
  • Manufacturer lifetime warranty
  • Dimensions: 4.5" x 2" x 1.5"
  • Weight: 9 oz.


Dear Readers,

Pardon me while I clear out some of my bookmarks--I may post about a bazillion random things in the next few days/weeks...

I've accumulated entirely too many bookmarks of "cool" things I find on the internet & other blogs. Every time I see something I like i bookmark it to address it later or not forget the cool idea i find. Apparently I have found a LOT of really cool things in the last few weeks because my bookmarks are out.of.control.

So naturally, I'm going to start putting them to better use. Out of the bookmarks and onto my blog.


Friday, February 20, 2009


Scott and I started a puzzle on Valentine's Day because we were bored and wanted to do something together. We got this puzzle for 50 cents at a yard sale last summer and we fully know now why it was only 50 cents! Ugggggg. It wasn't so bad once we were mostly 1/2 done, but I will never do a puzzle like this one again. To many colors, too many "blurry" places in the picture--not enough definition. We like puzzles like this one that we did last spring.
Al & Steph helped too the 2 times they came over and it was still sitting on our table (for a week it was there which says a lot since we usually finish puzzles in 2 days). But in the end, it did get finished, and I will probably sell this one for 50 cents at a yard sale too.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Luke Update

ToDaY i Am 7 MoNtHs OLd!!!Luke is a busy little guy these days and he definitely gets around!

Unfortunately for me that means I have to make sure he doesn't get into trouble...

He recognizes the camera now and comes after me trying to eat it

He HATES the vents when they blow hot air out at him

He doesn't mind baths (FINALLY) but prefers to chew on something while he splashes. This is how he likes to suck on this binkie lately--the rubber squeaks on his gums and he tries to shove the whole thing in his mouth.

He chews on his socks too--doesn't even require hands sometimes.

He's now more adventurous and ventures down the halls to see what's down there. He likes to compare the cold tile to the carpet and hits the tile to make a slapping noise

The funniest thing about his crawling is that he will crawl to me and bonk his head into my legs several times until I pick him up.
He also comes crawling after me if I leave him in another room even just for a second.

AND, he now is getting up on his knees--eek!

Time to lower the crib I think.

He has now entered the world of solid foods. He hates rice cereal. So we fed him oatmeal instead--now he's even tired of that. But we've also tried green beans--which took a few days. And he LOVES sweet potato. We've only been doing foods for a few weeks so there's lots more to try. I want to conquer more veggies before we try some of the fruits because I already know he loves them more and I don't want him to refuse his veggies. One thing is for sure--he is a VERY messy eater.

He's also tried a sippy cup and does pretty well--I have yet to find a liquid that he likes to drink though.

He LOVES when i give him a chunk of apple--I think part of it is because he's teething--but i think he likes the sour taste of it too. He gets really mad every time he drops it or I take it away.

He popped his first tooth (his bottom left) about a week ago
and now he's working on the next bottom one.
(click to enlarge--though, it's still kind of hard to see if you don't know what you're looking for)

I'll try to get some videos up next week--it's a long conversion process and then it takes a while to get them uploaded, but I have time to work on it next week. I'm also working on updating Smug Mug. I'll let you know when it's all updated to go check out the other hundreds of pictures we have.
That's all for today!

Monday, February 16, 2009

3 Things I Love About Today

1. My bed is made

2. It's mostly cloudy outside

3. This face:

[this is the real deal--no photoshop here! He's just a goofy kid]

Sunday, February 15, 2009

one word tag

1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen

2. Your significant other? Scott

3. Your hair? up

4. Your mother? ohio

5. Your father? work

6. Your favorite? rain

7. Your dream last night? none

8. Your favorite drink? water

9. Your dream/goal? Etsy

10. What room you are in? loft

11. Your hobby? organizing

12. Your fear? spiders

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? utah

14. Where were you last night? home

15. Something that you aren't? determined

16. Muffins? blueberry

17. Wish list item? jeans

18. Where you grew up? kirtland

19. Last thing you did? diaper

20. What are you wearing? sweater

21. Your TV? flat

22. Your pets? nope

23. Friends? new

24. Your life? typical

25. Your mood? bored

26. Missing someone? Everyone

27. Car? one

28. Something you're not wearing? socks

29. Your favorite store? target

30. Your favorite color? green

33. When is the last time you laughed? dinner

34. Last time you cried? thursday

35. Who will resend this? nobody

36. One place that I go to over and over? loft

37. One person who emails me regularly? BHG

38. My favorite place to eat? Carl's

39. Where are you right now? home

40. Where should you be right now? downstairs

I tag only those whom are bored.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kill a Tree or Choke a Fish?

Kill a Tree or Choke a Fish?
A clever way of asking "Paper or Plastic?"

Well how about neither...

Have you ever wanted to switch to reusable shopping bags? I've been tempted with the idea a few times, but after finding these beauties I just might go through with it this time!

the BAGGU bags are awesome:
A reusable shopping bag. Carry in your hand or over the shoulder. Holds the contents of 2-3 plastic grocery bags. 14" wide / 23" high / 5" deep. Folds into a flat 5" by 5" pouch. Holds 25 lbs. 100% ripstop nylon. Machine washable.
$8.00 each / 3, 4 or 5 bags $7.50 each / 6 or more bags $6.50 each

I've done my research on reusable shopping bags and these are great prices! AND, the come in any color you could possibly want!
So if you ARE thinking about Going Green in this particular area--I'd definitely recommend the BAGGU.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Someday I'm going to have a valentine's day party and instead of all green--I'm going to do all red and pink.

I have found so many cute things for Valentine's day, if it weren't such a low-key day for me usually I would go all out. It's weird that it falls on a Saturday. I'm not really sure what to do for Scott this year. We are going over to some friends for breakfast (which is what i WAS going to do for him) so that leaves the rest of the day to do something :S Dunno Dunno. What are you guys doing?

Here are some more cute ideas i found but will probably never ever do (i can give you the links to them if you want--just lemme know)...

I'm off to find Valentine's day Flair from Facebook! TaTa!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today I Am...

Cleaning the house.

Like SERIOUSLY cleaning.

Actually, it will probably take me all week.

it's a big house.

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