Luke hit his 3 Month mark on the 17th this month
He's moved into the 3-6 mo clothing size
He's moved into the 3-6 mo clothing size
He started taking a bottle on occasion. (more practice needed).
He talks and plays (see below)
He is starting to enjoy baths (in other words...he no longer cries and cries)
He will stare at himself in the mirror
We got to hear his very first laugh! (we got it partially on video so i'll have to get it off our camcorder) It's so cute
He is getting better at taking naps, though it's definitely a work in progress
More on Sleeping/Eating:
We realized after a few pretty rough nights that we were probably doing something wrong when it comes to Luke's eating and sleeping habits. So I started reading these books and now I'm beginning the process of training Luke to go longer between feedings, sleep longer at night and take regular naps during the day. The first step is training them to go as long as 4 hours between feedings. The theory is the longer they go, the more they eat, the longer they wait til the next feeding. The goal is 24oz spread out between four feedings a day. When i read that Luke should naturally be going about 3 hours between feedings anyway at this age, I knew we were doing it wrong because he was eating every 2 hours. So this week i've stretched him back to 3 hours, but it's definitely tricky. It makes me wonder if we'll ever get to that 4 hours.
Anyway, after they get to that point (every 4 hrs), then you slowly start eliminating night feedings and then after that you work on regular naps. This is from the Baby Sleep Solution book which promises 12 hours of (straight) sleep at night by 12 weeks old for your baby. But it works great for babies up to 18mo old (so it says on the cover). It's short and an easy read. The other book is much longer, but from what I've learned from it it coincides with the Solution book's theories. Nights have already been getting better, so I'm optimistic about the future.
Now your favorite part...MORE PICTURES and VIDEOS!
He talks and plays (see below)
He is starting to enjoy baths (in other words...he no longer cries and cries)
He will stare at himself in the mirror
We got to hear his very first laugh! (we got it partially on video so i'll have to get it off our camcorder) It's so cute
He is getting better at taking naps, though it's definitely a work in progress
More on Sleeping/Eating:

Anyway, after they get to that point (every 4 hrs), then you slowly start eliminating night feedings and then after that you work on regular naps. This is from the Baby Sleep Solution book which promises 12 hours of (straight) sleep at night by 12 weeks old for your baby. But it works great for babies up to 18mo old (so it says on the cover). It's short and an easy read. The other book is much longer, but from what I've learned from it it coincides with the Solution book's theories. Nights have already been getting better, so I'm optimistic about the future.
Now your favorite part...MORE PICTURES and VIDEOS!
Hand sucking went from this
to THISand now he'll pretty much suck on anything nearby...
He started "talking"
Luke "talkin" Take 1
He loves playing with his blankies, rattles and now his bouncer lights and sounds bar. It's fun that he's starting to play with toys!
Luke now has figured out how this darn rattle works and can now get it to his mouth and rattle it around himself.
Here is Luke playing with his new favorite "toy"...his blankie! Watch those happy feet kick!
Great Update! I liked the videos the best. My Favorite Picture is the last one with Tummy Time.
ReplyDeleteMy heck,
ReplyDeleteHe is one cute kid! Man I can't wait to get to play with my own baby!
I love that pic by-the-way with both his hands in his mouth! So funny!
ReplyDeleteI love that first picture. What a cute guy!
ReplyDeleteWe have found TV to be very valuable as well. I actually use the TV to calm him down when mommy isn't around and can't do her motherly magic. Even when he's so upset if I can get him to see the TV he instantly calms down. So funny.
ReplyDeleteAwesome pictures and the videos were the best. The one where he puts the blanket on his face then finally gets it off is hilarious.
Luke, is so adorable!, We Miss you guys and watching luke grow! Thank you so much for sharing these photos and videos! It helps us to fell closer than we are.