Monday, June 16, 2008

Endings & Beginnings

Yesterday I attended my very last college class! It's incredible how fast four years can actually go by, and equally incredible how many things can change and evolve in that time!

So, here's a tribute to those last four years and cheers to all the awesome people I've met and memories created. Basically it's just rambling off memories splattered with photos :)

Freshman Year 04-05
The Preference Dance, Divine Comedy nights, Every meal with my best friends in the MORC. Football cheer leading, Running laps on the vacant second floor, Making up for Prom

Sophmore Year 05-06
The Year of Boy Friends (3), Moving into the best ward ever at Centennial, Late night PowWows with the girls, Meeting Scott, The Bear of 321 war

Junior Year 06-07
Staying in Centennial, Dating Scott, Working @ Jamba Juice, Disney World, Big changes in Life-Getting Engaged

Senior Year 07-08
Sending off good friends on Missions, Welcoming back old friends returning from Missions, Getting Married, Cruising in Europe, New Beginnings as Newlyweds, Getting Pregnant

And Now...
Graduation, House hunting, Awaiting our baby boy, Making new friends, Starting new jobs (Scott), Beginning the rest of our life together as a happy happy family...


  1. So many memories! Can't wait to see what the coming year brings...


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