Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Star Wars

We Love Our XBOX 360...

Scott and I have recently bought Lego Star Wars off Craig's List for $10!! We got hooked last summer and it's one of the few XBOX games a girl can enjoy playing. It's funny because it's Legos playing the parts and the little storie clips are funny. It's a fun game to play. Come on, the characters are LEGOS!! How could that not be great??

However, as we were playing, Scott quickly realized how unfamiliar I was with the real Star Wars movies...

Which, naturally, led to a marathon of movie watching. It was so serious, that if I was falling asleep, to the point where I wasn't catching parts in the movies, he would stop it and we'd finish it the next morning or night. It was serious business. Now I have watched all the movies--except Attack of the Clones--but I know the story that I am playing in the game. Aren't you proud?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bike Adventures

My brother, Al, has been kind enough to store my beautiful bike through the winter, and now that it's Springtime (though the weather doesn't always agree) it was time for me to go to his bike shop and retrieve it. I love my bike, but I do not love the Utah hills! There is one very long long upward hill on the way home from Taylor's Bike Shop to my apartment at Wymount. I actually had to get off and walk it for a while because I could just not get up that darn hill! It was totally fun before it--and after. I am a flat land lover I guess--no mountain biking for me!
Scott had dropped me off and then actually waited a while, so he honked at me while he drove by. He actually was hooting things out the window. I felt silly being pregnant and riding my bike, but he made me feel good about it still. Then he was waiting for me with the camera in hand to snap these pictures as I rode into our parking lot! Sneaky! Needless to say I was definitely pooped.

(I have a cell phone in my hand because he promised to carry my bike up the stairs for me and I was going to tell him I was there)

Monday, April 28, 2008

We are College Graduates!

Last Thursday was the first day of BYU's Graduation. It started with Commencement exercises. Due to drastic changes in the weather--including wind and snow...we decided not to walk in the procession into the Marriot center--seriously, SNOW? It was wacky. Elder Bednar was our commencement speaker. Afterwards, we thought of the idea that we could have just jumped in at the end of the line of graduates anyway, but oh well. It was fun nevertheless. Around 8:00 pm, we headed to Chili's with Scott's parents to get appetizers & desserts. We didn't have to wait long for a table for 4--we must have just missed the huge crowds that had come through their earlier. It was a nice little start-the-celebration treat.

Friday was GRADUATION!! We had an EARLY one--8 am! We woke up super early--but still were late--as always there were unforeseen circumstances, such as the fact that neither one of us had ironed our gowns yet OOPS. It was totally necessary too. So I ironed mine and had Scott iron his own while I finished getting ready. THEN, with only 5 minutes to spare before we were supposed to be there at 7:30, we pull into the Wilkinson Center parking lot and Scott realizes his tassel fell off somewhere. He left to go back and get it--it had fallen off at our apartment complex as we were running to the car. No worries, though because we had plenty of time before we walked into the Ballroom to be seated. Scott got back with plenty of time to be in his department picture. Our convocation was for the College of Math and Physical Science (Computer Science, Scott's major is a Math field). It was so fun to get to hold Scott's hand as we walked in. When we got to our seats, we were on the aisle, and who was across the aisle? Jen, Steve and my grandparents! We made faces with them through the whole thing. Scott's parents and Darcy were on the other side of the ballroom, and after coming down off the stage, Bill took a bunch of pictures. I do have to mention that because it was the Math and Physical Science college one of the student speakers was this super geeky math major and his speech was totally horrible! It was actually painful to hear--not only because he was nervous, but because he didn't really have a message to share--his speech never went anywhere.
Anyway, I loved walking--I've never done it, I didn't go to High School graduation cuz i was done early and not only did i not want to go back for it, it would have totally sucked to wait through 833 students names being read off!!
We met up with all our representing family in the lobby afterwards for some brief pictures and hugs, then Scott's parents, Darcy, Scott and I headed over to the Talmage Building (where Scott spent a lot of his 4 years!) for the reception (yummy fruits and sweet rolls and donuts). Scott was able to thank some of his favorite professors and such. They also had copies of his department picture all ready to give out!
The rest of the day was crazy, but because our convocation was so early, Red Lobster (my choice to celebrate) wasn't busy at all and we had a nice yummy lunch. We spent the rest of the day doing odds and ends--including shopping for a camcorder which was our graduation present choice from Bill and Brenda (it was that or a sofa, but because we don't know what kind of couch will look good in our future home that wasn't the best idea. The camcorder will be awesome for when the baby comes). I wish my parents could have been here, and I know they wished the same, but I was still glad I had some family there for me.

Now I'm taking my new classes. I Love guitar, but I'm going to have to practice like mad to keep up. It's not hard, it's just that my fingers don't want to play nice with my brain and I'm really slow switching between cords even for the simplest of songs :S
My other class will be easy and interesting, it's called Mind/Body health. It's kind of how health is not just physical. I know we will talk a lot about how mental health affects physical health. We'll see.
And there's the yucky English 315 class ind study. I should have just bit the bullet and taken it as a real class. Independent study English is way too much busy work. :P

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pretty Bedding

I think I was trying to be too safe when I picked out our bedding for our new bed when we got married. It's not even a year old, which makes me feel bad, but I really like this bedding from PotteryBarn. I really should have been more risky when I was registering for my wedding.


I'll get to plant my own garden.

I will have daisies, and roses , and tulips...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby Newsies

Cute Clothes alert!
Not me, silly for the baby! (Though I got some new ones too, what can i say maternity clothes are just SO much cuter!)

Bill and Brenda (Scott's parents) are in town for Scott's and my graduation this week; they took us to the mall and these are the clothes we got for Luke (yup, leaning towards Luke)

Jeff and Carie (Scott's oldest brother) sent some cute clothes also!

In other getting-ready-for-baby news... I'm having a baby shower, thrown by my sister, on May 3rd, and I've started to register at Target and Babies R Us for a few things. I'm excited to get all my friends and family together for that.

Baby Newsies

Here's some pictures for the first week in the 3rd Trimester!

28 weeks, OR about 7 months


  • This dang stuffy nose! Some days are better than others, but seriously I have a stuffy nose all the time!
  • Feet starting to hurt more. I have to be careful about what shoes I decide to wear for long periods of time otherwise I'll wake up with sore feet the next day (or have them the same day!) Flip-flops may have worked trekking through Europe, but they probably won't suffice the rest of my pregnancy :(
  • Still Clumsy. I get a new bruise on my arm every week. Things you would never bang your arm into on a regular day seem to jump out at you when you are pregnant. At least they are little bruises--but they still hurt!
So all things considering... other than the fact I wish I could get in a nap every day instead of just once in a while...things are great! Looking forward to what lies ahead and keeping optimistic!


Ps. I just noticed this, but you can actually see the bruises on my right arm in the second picture if you click on it to make it big size!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Love-Hate Relationship

Loving...that it's finally Spring and warming up for good outside
Hating myself for not blogging about everything exciting that I've done in the past two weeks as it's happened!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Remember the List??

329 Chair Test---aced it

320: Skills Test April 7th—aced it

461 Group Presentations April 8th---aced it

213: FINAL on April 9th---aced it

Write 224 paper (working on this tonight) (Due Apr 10th)---aced it

Bust out Catalogue--329 Catalogues due April 15th---kind of aced it--big mess trying to print it out!

Study for 461 Final in Testing Center on 15th---lets not go there...long story

IT's ALL DONE THOUGH!! YAY! 3 finals to go and I am SO done with this semester! My last full semester as an undergraduate!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just a Little Surprise...

...on an ugly Tuesday Night

Doing Hard THings...kinda

Scott tried and tried and tried to beat this level one night, and when he finally did...he asked for the camera. This is our XBOX 360 addiction--the arcade game N+. You are a ninja and you try to get the gold pieces and touch all the "batteries" as we call them to open the door and exit the level--but there are bombs, missiles chasing you (as in this one) or other zappy obstacles that try to defeat you. It's a fun game, very addictive. So this is his replay video of one of the harder levels (watch the little red guy on the right). He makes this look easy, but it really is not! This game is our game of choice; so much so, sometimes it takes over our Sunday night game nights with my brothers, and we even played it between the sessions of General Conference!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Getting Back up to Speed

Because last week was so insane, I didn't blog at ALL, my list is now down to one last thing--my Family Law final tomorrow night. I still have a lot of studying for it, but I am SO taking a break on Wednesday!

I have a lot I need to blog about, especially this weekend, but this post is basically the precursor to the following posts...I have to study now and most of tomorrow, but I'd just thought I'd drop the note and let you know I haven't completely fallen off my blog.

PS, does anyone else think this winter straight to summer in 2 days and back is simply wack-o? I'm glad it's not freezing, but it was a bit too hot for me today! I guess I'm just very picky when it comes to temperature control.

Saturday, April 05, 2008


FeeLing a bit liKe this right now...
but it's ok, I wiLL get through this week.

See the list has already gotten a bit smaller...

329 Chair Test

Study Plants for ID Final

320: Skills Test April 7th—Study/Practice on Scott

461 Group Presentations April 8th

213: FINAL on April 9th

Write 224 paper (working on this tonight) (Due Apr 10th)

Bust out Catalogue--329 Catalogues due April 15th

Study for 461 Final in Testing Center on 15th

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Busting It Out

K, that previous list is depressing...more depressing was putting it down in a day-by-day format of what I need to do and when :P

If I don't survive...

Have lemon pound cake with strawberries and pink lemonade at my funeral, and make sure to send lots of daisies and tulips of all sorts and colors.

On my Tombstone...

"This bUg was Squeeshed"

If I Do survive...

...well, that list is too long...


Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Life goes on, yeah...lalalala life goes on...

I'm swamped for the next two weeks (I really don't have the time to even write this blog, but I am) Here's my list of craziness.

Everything to Do before School ends!!

(Plant Class) Midterm 1st-7th Testing Center - Thurs Apr 3rd

(Marriage Enhancement) Complete Marital Project 1 Packet

(Family Law) Finalize Presentation THURS @7pm

(Modern Design) Chair MemorizationTest 1st-9th SAT at 12

(Plant class) Required Work in Greenhouse April 4th


First Aid Class: Skills Test (bandaging/splints) April 7th

Fam Law Group Presentations April 8th

Plant ID FINAL on April 9th

Write Marriage Enhancement paper 6pgs (Due Apr 10th)

Required Greenhouse April 11th

461 Final Exams in Testing Center April 14th or 15th

Modern Design 35pg Catalogue due April 14th

Classes End April 15th. So really I have 2 finals before classes even end! Finals week should be a breeze!
Can't wait til I'm done with School forever. It's weird to fast forward in my life and think that I won't have any homework, tests, deadlines, or even have to go to work! So weird! After so many years of school I'll just be done! Home with my baby boy, enjoying my hobbies and reading books for FUN!

But for the next few weeks...I may be off pounding this stuff out so I can pass my classes! Wish me Luck!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

ApriL FoOL

I've been had.

I'm either entirely too gullible, or Scott is entirely to convincing.

We both get off work at 5 pm on Tuesdays and then drive off campus to grab some dinner before 6 when my late class starts. We met at a median point on campus and Scott began telling me about his day.

So he tells me how he may not have a job anymore--at Cluster--the full time salary job he's starting in a month. In my head I panic. I begin to ask questions, get clarification. He explains they didn't mean to hire him, and that they hired too many people because of the different groups of interviewers. I tell him they can't do that, you signed the contract! He says, that's the thing, I didn't, I didn't turn in any paperwork yet. I was dumbfounded, Scott turned down other offers for this job! What a mess!

Then...He looks at me, with a slightly sly look. Lightbulb, I punch him in the arm! He could have kept it going for weeks and I would have believed him.

It was that good.

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