So the last couple of weeks I've been waiting to see when/how I'd get engaged to Scott. Everyone kind of knew it was coming we just didn't know when.
Well Today is the day! April 25th 2007!!
How it all went down:
I was expecting breakfast the canyon just from things he'd told me: I'm picking you up early and wear a jacket...
Then yesterday he told me he was picking me up early. Early turned out to be at 6:15 AM !!! yeah that's definitely early.

I grabbed some keys and we walk to the car. Inside there's a plate with bagels and strudels and hot chocolate in the cup holders.
Not knowing what we were doing or where we were going, i didn't eat the food or drink the hot chocolate because for some reason I thought we were going to eat it somewhere. I was wrong. So we drive up to the canyon and he just keeps going and going--way past where I had thought he was going. We get to Heber and it's not til then I realize OK, I really don't know what's up. Then he pulls into this place called the Hub Cafe, and I thought, OK this is where we are going to have breakfast? But he brings his hot chocolate with him. I thought I don't want to bring mine if we're going to eat here...but then he says, I don't think we're going to go inside. (then i wished i did bring it ) He took me across the parking lot and there's this SUV with a trailer. Then it hit me, I saw "Utah Outdoor Adventures" "hot air balloon rides" and the trailer had a hot air balloon basket on it!!! This is when i exploded with surprise and excitement, I just couldn't believe it!! BIG surprise
We hopped in the car and drove over to the Heber airport and the two guys, the pilot, Will, and groundsman, Mike set up the balloon. It actually took a while to do this. They had to pull it all out and set up the basket and such and then take a big fan to get it blown up a bit before putting hot air in it. Scott helped hold the balloon open as it was filling up.
Once all the setting up was done, we climbed in and we were off!! It was SO amazing!! I wasn't too scared because I felt pretty secure, Scott was a little nervous. It was so cool because of how far up you get so fast! One minute you're floating at ground level and then the next you are already 50, then 100 ft up and more!! It was a beautiful sun shiny day and not too too cold. The hot air was nice and warm when he pulled the triggers to release it.
We went up and down and Will, the pilot, took pictures of us (which he'll send us later) and Mike the other guy was in the truck following somewhat depending on the roads. Will was radio-ing him telling him where to go. And sometimes sounded quite anxious that he wasn't close. (i found out why later)
So we're floating up and down and it's beautiful, somewhat cold, but it was so beautiful. Then Mike gets pretty close with the truck and Will tells him to get out the "picnic basket" Then Scott starts saying all these sweet things. Then he says "I want to be with you forever" I say "i will" because I"m not exactly sure that he's proposing (he says things like that all the time these days) It wasn't until he turned me around to look down at the truck to read a banner that says "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" !!! I look at him in shock and he's getting down on one knee, he pulled out this beautiful red ring box, opens it and asks if I will marry him! OF course I say YES!! with enthusiasm and he puts the ring on my finger (he almost put it on my right hand ;) ;) ) and then we kiss, we hug, I'm saying how amazing he is and I can't believe it. He jokes that now he doesn't know what to say because everything was just leading up to that point!! It was so amazing!! more pictures, kisses and hugs, and LOTS of looking at my sparkling ring!! I just couldn't believe it.
Back on the ground, Will pulls out cobalt blue glasses and we toast with sparkling cider looking over at Mt Timp. It was so awesome!
Back in the car we're talking a mile a minute and about everything. We tried to call the parents but no one is home yet, we eventually got a hold of all the immediate family.

We went to breakfast once we got to Provo, because we were hungry :)
I kept the receipt--the first meal together being engaged :)
Scott had more flowers for me hidden in the trunk--these were big beautiful roses!! I was shocked with getting so many flowers!!
We stopped by Scott's sister, Darcy's, apartment (it's actually only one below mine), to tell her the news and then we go up to my apartment where there was a LOT of screaming and hugs from Nikki, Melissa and Lauren (and a little later from Mallory when she came home) as we told them the story! It was so much better than what I'd hoped for!! (apparently they just knew I was getting engaged so they were waiting around for me to get home!)
Sadly Scott had to go into work and still has one more final to take! So i don't get to see him the rest of the day!!
I can't hardly believe it's actually official now!!