It's completely snowing right now. What happened to our warm, beautiful, spring?? This is wack. Snow today, warmness back to normal by the weekend?! Yesterday the omnious dark clouds brought with them cold air, then rain, then HAIL, then more rain for the rest of the day. There were people still walking around campus in their spring clothes--flipflops and t-shirts and shorts. Poor souls. It got cold real fast. Luckily, Scott and I got to his car just seconds before the hail started. Then we pulled into a complex with covered parking until it stopped a few minutes later! It was freezing cold and wet the rest of the day. Simply miserable.
is what i woke up to this morning:

I thought it was IN like a Lion, not OUT like one... where on earth did that lamb go???
yeah you can usually see the Y on the mountain...this morning you couldn't even tell we lived next to a mountain!!!